The WLYC Blog

Wisdom from Shantelle Bisson

The WLYC Blog

Who decided that the teen years are a good time to plan a future?
I’ve always wondered why the school system expects teenagers to know what they want to do with the rest of their lives. Something I’ve never understood is why schools pressure kids to pick a University major when they’re seventeen? Or...
Anybody else disturbed seeing Christmas all around them already?
Okay, listen, I’m no Scrooge. I love Christmas as much as the next person, but in October?? Seriously?? Are you kidding me right now??? STOP. Just STOP. We haven’t even had Halloween yet. I mean how bizarre is it to...
Do you know if it is your voice your kid hears in the back of their mind when they're at a moral crossroad?
There is something that sadly makes me go “hmmm” almost every single day now. That is reading about people who dislike other people to the point of threatening their lives because of the colour of their skin. What is that...
It's never too late to say thank you, and you can't thank a person enough!
Today, as you know is Tuesday, so I’ve decided to write a post about gratitude. I’m calling it my thankful Tuesday post! Today is the first one, and I’m going to focus on all that I’m thankful for about Brianna’s...
And now she rests...
What an incredible day Saturday October 14th was. Ten months of prep. Ten months of planning. Ten months of deliberating all came together beautifully. Like Christmas, or your birthday, you think about it all the time, you wish for what...
And on this day she will be wed...
You’re pregnant. It’s a girl. She’s healthy; ten fingers, ten toes. All words that I’ve carried with me for 28 years, actually closer to 29 now. Life is an epic, amazing journey, filled with surprises, some good, some not, but...
We thought we knew our boy Kohl, turns out we didn't at all.
Isn’t life funny? We as humans think we know everything about the people we’re closest to, or in this case the dogs who live under our roofs. There is very good news with regards to our four legged son Kohl....
Common sense. Oh where, oh where have you gone???
What are the song lyrics; “I never promised you a rose garden…” That’s how I’m feeling when at the start of the week I’m already behind on my blog. So here’s the deal: it is wedding week, I will give...
Being thankful isn't always easy, but one thought a day can change your life.
Tomorrow is Canadian Thanksgiving but my family and I celebrate today, Sunday. We prefer to spend our Monday in pj’s for the better part of the day, and take it easy before getting back to the grind on Tuesday. Since...
If I could change one thing about Brianna's wedding, I wish we had said "yes to the dress" at another boutique.
Expectations are a funny thing, aren’t they? We see things, we experience them and then when the time comes, where we find ourselves in the same life situation all the stored memories come flooding to the forefront of the mind,...
I'm so thankful to be Canadian, and have Canadian daughters.
Isn’t it funny when we make decisions to cleanse our mind, our hearts, and our lives of hate, or negative emotion, it seems like the “dark side” of life throws all the ugly it can at you. I find this...
IF your God "punishes" sinners, why do you need laws like this?
I’ve decided that I’m going to use my blog to spread the message of love. Because at the end of the day the truth is that love is greater than hate. Hate is able to flourish in a garden of...
What needs to happen to end senseless loss of life due to guns?
I can’t read anymore news. I can’t watch another video. I can’t go give blood. I can’t stop weeping at random times. And I can’t blog today… What I can do is help in anyway that I am able so...
This is the problem, gun stock rises after another deadly shooting.
What a terrible thing to wake up to, the mass murder at the hands of a domestic terrorist in Vegas last night. As I slept snug in my bed, other people were being gunned down while out enjoying a country...
Is it hatred, or a lack of gratitude that feeds radicalization??
Ignorance is bliss they say, and in the event of the terrorist attack that took place last night in Edmonton while I was happily living in a bubble of love and joy celebrating the upcoming marriage of my daughter, other...
Just when I thought I knew Yannick Bisson...
One would think after almost thirty years with a person I’d know my hubby inside and out. Well I thought I had Yanny Bissony all figured out, until our last night at Langdon Hall. The entire bridal party was sitting...
Sitting here wondering when will my leaky ship come in???
I often wonder how much effort should one put forward to see their aspirations/dreams/goals come to fruition. I find I flip flop a little bit on this; never really sure when to “push” and when to “wait and trust” the...
Is it really a low flush toilet if you have to flush it twice???
Alright, alright today I’m having one of those wildly busy days…I know we’re all busy and it’s sort of this new gross way of saying how incredibly “important” one is by being so terribly busy all the damn time. So...
What's with the never ending battle for media coverage that Caitlyn Jenner is fighting with Kris??
Leave it to Caitlyn (with a C) Jenner to blow the big reveal of her youngest child’s pregnancy. A pregnancy that I’m sure Kris was hoping to keep secret until the season 14 premiere of Keeping Up. Caitlyn gives zero...
How many people upset with players taking a knee, really understand why they're doing it?
Sports aren’t really my thing. I don’t know stats, I don’t know which player makes what money, and my life certainly does not revolve around games. I’ve never hosted a championship party, tailgated, or honestly really give a flying f*#k...
Some things I'm learning along the way to the altar with Brianna...
While preparing for Brianna’s bridal shower I had so many moments that made me go “hmmm” that I thought I would share some of them with you. I’m the sort of person that once I get a thought in my...