The WLYC Blog

Wisdom from Shantelle Bisson

The WLYC Blog

Will you all reserve your elephant judgement until I get back from Thailand?
Jesus H Christ, I am going to Thailand over Christmas with my family and I mention in one post how we’re going to chill with elephants and the floodgates of judgement open wide up. Honestly some people need to just...
I was asked by a follower; "what makes you tick as a writer?"
Yesterday I received an email from a follower who asked me questions about my writing, my process, my inspiration, and things like that. She went on to say that I don’t post much about my writing, and as a fellow...
If it weren't for the Bill Cosby victims we might still be under a rock about high profile offenders.
There are a few things currently happening in my life that I don’t understand; 1) why does my sign in for my blog ask me a mathematical question every single time I have to come here and post? I’m a...
Life is precious, life is beautiful, and sadly, tomorrow is not a guarantee.
It is becoming increasingly more difficult to write this blog. When I came up with the idea of it almost eighteen months ago it was meant to be a daily blog of lighthearted things that I come across in my...
A difference of opinion is cool, but when it's always the same person, it makes me go hmmm???
I swear some people’s children, like why are they so busy being Negative Nancy’s out in the world. I seriously don’t get it, at all. I barely have time to be encouraging and nice to all the people I want...
"May we never forget that freedom isn't free." Remembrance Day.
Any time you put two people in a room and bring up politics or religion you will get a heated debate. Now multiple this by ten, then by a hundred, then by thousands, and ultimately hundreds of thousands people. You...
Who told men that women get sexually aroused from their unsolicited D*#K pics?
Well, yesterday’s post was such fun! Thanks to everybody who commented back, and I want to extend a very warm welcome to all the newbies who commented. I’ll do my best to remember to do that every Wednesday…I just need...
Pulling my dogs off a raccoon first thing in the morning is no way to start a day.
What a way to start a day. Nothing like coming home to a BANG! Duke and Kohl located, cornered, and proceeded to attempt to rid the back garden of a raccoon this morning. It was an awful sight, and it...
Isn't it enough already NRA/Gun Lobbyist/Politicians who line their pockets with the blood of innocent people?
“After Sandy Hook we said never again. And then we let 1,518 mass shootings happen.” That is a mass shooting (where four or more people are shot) per day; that is 1,754 days since innocent children lost their lives while...
Soulful Sunday: Boost For Kids is an organization I'm proud to announce I'll be working with!
The universe moves in such mysterious ways that my mind is continually being blown by it. I made a commitment to myself, probably about six months ago to add way more healing, positive, inspirational sites to follow on my Instagram...
I wonder if my dogs miss me, and will Justin and Selena get married; things that make me go hmmm.
I don’t know about you guys, but I need a break from all my serious posts. I’m so feeling like just throwing out a whole whack of light-hearted topics that make me go “hmmm…” Starting with Justin and Selena. THEY...
What can we do to get financial aid to be a helping hand rather than a lifestyle???
The social services/welfare issue is a definite hot potato topic, which is why I believe it hasn’t been reformed because no politician has the guts, or stomach to touch it with a ten foot pole. Had a thought provoking comment...
Some days you think you know it all, and then you learn that you don't.
I feel like I’m on a journey of “gathering perspective” or “seeing both sides” these days. It’s so odd to be that I’m having these very clear learning/teaching experiences back to back. I had one just yesterday, Tuesday at my...
Have you ever felt like a small fish in a very large pond???
95% percent of my life I live it believing that nobody is really paying that much attention to me. After all I’m a mom of three, working away, mostly alone in my home writing, developing my muscle of word crafting...
A day without internet is like a day without a storm: peaceful and calm.
The funny thing about technology and anxiety is that for me they feed into one another; and I don’t know how you are with technology or the world wide web but I never knew how much I use it, and...
Who knew my Year of Firsts would have so many beautiful rewards?
I don’t know if you all recall, but in 2016, after reading Shonda Rhimes Year of Yes, I decided to make myself uncomfortable and to start saying YES to more things in my life. It is interesting how often I...
People who outwardly forget where they came from, perplex me.
Alright I could attempt to catch up on the blogs I missed while my site was under construction, but the truth is while I’m here in Napa celebrating my friends milestone celebrations I frankly don’t want to be. I’m content,...
Am I the only one concerned for my safety when walking in a remote area alone?
Yesterday Yannick and I enjoyed an incredibly rare moment in time where we blocked off a good chunk of it smack dab in the middle of the day to treat ourselves to a date. We had been gifted a spa...
A bunch of things that make me go "hmmm" to get you thinking too.
Funny how I seem to have less time in a day now that the wedding is behind me compared to the final days leading up to the big day. I thought it would be the exact opposite. Truly bizarre. Anyway...
What's up with women playing God with their hormones, and bodies?
Honestly what’s up with some young women these days. Have any of you heard about the trend that some girls are jumping on board with? The period eliminator? It’s this thing that they’re doing where they manipulate their cycles, or...
So Janet got buried after nipple-gate, but Justin gets the stage??
Alright, I know I’m not alone on this, but my blood is boiling on this one. How on earth is it that Justin Timberlake is allowed back on the Super Bowl stage but Janet Jackson isn’t? Her nipple didn’t fall...