The WLYC Blog

Wisdom from Shantelle Bisson

The WLYC Blog

Things that make me "go hmmm" point form edition
Whenever somebody begins a sentance with; “No offense, but…” I think to myself, if you have to preface what you’re about to say with “No offense, but” I happen to believe, that there is a little voice inside of you...
I wonder if my dogs know when I'm pissed off at them?
As I write this post I have three snoring pups, all around me. Content. Relaxed. Trusting, and vulnerable. I’m their fave person whenever I’m on my bed. Which is a place they’re actually not allowed to be, but since Yannick...
How do people not know where they're going???
This is something I don’t get. Never have, and never will. How do people not know where they are going? Like seriously. How? Let’s create a scene together: Person inside their home, looks at their watch realizes that they a)...
The things Garry Marshall has taught me, over the years.
This is not a post about anything that makes me “go hmmm.” No, it is a post to honour a man I never knew, yet one who impacted my life a ton. When talking about the great Garry Marshall where...
Can we no longer dialogue without spewing hate???
Count me confused. Like I’m so totally baffled by modern culture, by this new form of “I’m just being honest” that allows people to feel that spewing hate, and shit out of their mouths against other human beings, is OK....
In the Kardashian-West/Swift war, who's right, who's wrong???
Let me begin by saying I’m not a Kardashian fan. I don’t watch the show. I don’t buy their products, and I do everything I can to encourage two of my three daughters TO NOT support the family who became...
Where does the truth lie????
Let me start this post by acknowledging the fact, that I’ve had an amazing week. I’ve been blessed to see two of the top bands from my youth, and it was awesome. Was even gifted with the coveted, AFTER SHOW...
Why are women's public restrooms so disgusting??
I have long since wondered about women’s public restrooms. For the men who are reading this post today, it won’t really resonate with you since you haven’t spent much time inside any. But I can assure you, that they are...
John Lennon mused about it long ago, I muse about it today...
Imagine there’s no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today… Aha-ah… Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for...
Why, oh why do I do the things that I do???
Last week was a brutal week for me. I was so sick. The sickest I can ever recall being. Yesterday was a huge day for me, and the first day I felt remotely like myself, and that maybe, just maybe...
Why do I pay more, but get less???
Ok, so this probably goes beyond a thing that makes me “go hmmm”, this topic, in fact brings out the I CAN’T EVEN in me. Why, oh why, do I pay SO MUCH MORE for absolutely EVERY DAMN thing, but...
Do you ever get over the loss of a four legged kid???
Everybody says they don’t have a favorite two legged, or four legged kid. And I have to say I agree with that, each child (should you have more than one)has character traits that gel with you, and some that repel...
Why are young people who have survived cancer, so positive???
I spent my entire morning pouring over the letters, and videos of fifteen young adults who are cancer survivors. I have the daunting task of picking two, who will receive the prestigious, Edwina Eddy Survivor Scholarship of $5000.00. I’m allowed...
Is Green the new red, and stop the new go???
All right, so I touched on this briefly on my twitter earlier today; but seriously, is this happening EVERY WHERE IN THE WORLD? Or only in LA, and Toronto? Is Green the new red?? Everybody seems to be sleeping right...
Why are people working at jobs that they hate???
This has caused me to “go hmmm” for as long as I’m able to remember. I had my very first job at the age of twelve. I worked at a pizza joint in my local mall. I made $2.05/hr, I...
What is it going to take to break the cycle???
Let me preface this post, with although yesterday I was feeling like 50% me, during the night, after my very late post, I took a turn for the worse. So much so that my best friend, who I love to...
Why do parents pimp out their children???
If you’re a follower of my daily musings, you will know that I give little, to zero credence to the violence that is plaguing our society. It’s not because I don’t care, or that I don’t think we should all...
Even more sick today than yesterday???
I thought I was sick yesterday, the 5th? No. No. No. Hump day really took me down, I slept for eight hours, and then another five, and another eight…that’s a lot of sleep, with very little time for musing… Be...
Am I the only person who gets sick after a holiday???
Ok, so I’m back tracking a little bit, posting on behalf of July 5th, on the 7th…why? Because I returned home from a beautiful, wonderful, relaxing holiday and got knocked flat on my ass with some nasty virus. Why did...
Ladies, do we really believe God is female???
First let me begin by wishing my American peeps, especially my youngest American daughter, a very happy fourth of July! Second, please forgive me for this super short post…but I have much to do now that I’m home. Am I...
What's with all the running in air travel???
I dislike lines. A lot. For me they always felt like a giant waste of time, time that I’ll never get back. I felt so strongly about this that I was once upon a time a “line racer” trying to...