The WLYC Blog

Wisdom from Shantelle Bisson

The WLYC Blog

When will a man understand, that a woman's tomorrow is already full???
By the time most of you read this post it will already be Monday August 15th, and you may read it over your morning coffee, and think: “Fuck. There are so many typos.” And you know what, there may be....
What's with all the missing people???
There is a bizarre trend that I’ve noticed over the summer months in Toronto. Actually, it’s been longer than that, it started when I switched back to all Canadian news feeds etc on my iPhone in May. A lot of...
Is everybody you call an automated recording???
All right, I get it, real live, flesh and blood people are expensive. They need to make at LEAST minimum wage to even attempt to get by in our current economic climate. A human being needs/DESERVES health coverage, and benefits...
Hey out there!!
Today I must say that I am unable to find the time to write a post about something that makes me “go hmmm” other than the fact that I always wonder how/why is it such a giant ordeal to pack...
Who's job is it to break the cycle of abuse???
My life story has been a very interesting one. In order to “protect” my family, I won’t get into the nitty gritty of it here, on a blog. But suffice it to say, I have seen firsthand, and been on...
When a man is assaulting you, at want point are you supposed to just walk away???
Today I learned a very valuable lesson. There are some men out there who will assault you, unprovoked, through the window of your car, even if you are a woman. Or maybe, BECAUSE you are a woman. And then when...
How do you get an old deaf dog to change his ways???
Dogs are amazing. I seriously cannot imagine my life without them, I prefer them, to like, 80% of the humans I’ve come across in my life. Like a broken record I’ve told Yannick, and anybody who will listen, which I...
Is there any room in our social healthcare for "after care" needs??
The other night I was coming home in a cab, my driver was from Afghanistan. He’s been here for close to ten years, works two jobs, has three children, two boys, and one girl. His wife, doesn’t yet have a...
The new squealing child generation, is anybody enjoying it???
I have no qualms in admitting that I am not the most maternal person on the planet. I wasn’t the parent, between the two of us, who crawled around on the floor with our girls. Nor did I build doll...
How hard do you think it would be to petition for an extra hour/day???
There are not enough hours in a day. Not even close. At the end of a full day, without fail, there is something left on my “to do list” that didn’t get done. If I’m feeling particularly annoyed about all...
Have you ever encountered a thoughtful hacker???
Today, I woke up to multiple emails, and text messages from a bunch of my contacts, informing me that my email account had been hacked. Thankfully this, up until now, has never happened to me. I spent the better part...
Do Left Lane Louie's know they're holding up the entire freeway???
Every single day I’m amazed at the number of people who hang out in the left lane, causing gridlock on the roadways. It happens all day, every day, on every artery, without fail, drivers in the left lane doing the...
Can love really be found in six weeks, while on a reality show???
I’m an absolute romantic. I am sucker for an amazing love story, whether it be in a book, a film, or in real life. I believe in strong chemical reactions between people that makes you fall hard, and fast. Hell,...
Are they seriously allowing open carry at Texas Universities???
I don’t live in Texas. Our youngest daughter doesn’t go to school in Texas, after what I read today, I thank God all day long for that… What the fuck gives in Texas?? Open carrying is allowed on campuses. WHAT?...
How can we be considered a world class city, if our subways aren't wheelchair accessible???
Remember, when not so long ago I was pissed about why my tax dollars are being used to fund Provincial dental for kids under the age of seventeen? Since then I’ve remembered, thanks to a teacher who wrote to me...
How to keep your chin up, when things are going to shit???
Life is tough. No matter who you are, how big/how small your bank account is, the size of your house/apartment, the kind of car you drive, or don’t drive, if you have a lover or don’t have a lover. Life...
I'm a bitch, but you're just a man???
This is an attitude that has always fascinated me. The one that all strong women, in business, or in life, when they stick to their guns, or insist that they know the correct way for a task to be executed,...
What's with the tax, on tax, on tax, on tax???
I don’t know about you, but I’m not an online shopper, it’s not for me. I’ve tried it, and for one reason or the other, it didn’t work out between me and the online shopping world. It might be because...
Do all children need dental care, over education, and food???
All right, I wasn’t going to post on this subject, but I keep seeing the bus shelters and billboards all over the city, and I just have to post my feelings. I know you all know we have it really...
Aging ain't for sissies...
This is not a question, or a thing that makes me “go hmmm” this shit is all truth. 150% accurate. I have a handful of girlfriends who are older than me, a couple by like 5-7years, and a few who...
People who follow people, who follow people, who follow people, they don't know on social media???
You know what I find very odd. This is not a judgement, on anybody who does this, this is honestly, and truly a thing that makes me “go hmmm” every time one of our daughters sends us a screen shot,...