The WLYC Blog

Wisdom from Shantelle Bisson

The WLYC Blog

I'm trying to decide if I'm cocky, or trusting???
What a whirlwind end to my week I have had. I honestly wouldn’t want to repeat it, for any amount of money. Until the day my laptop fell into the spa, I had never thought of myself as a “cocky...
Do you think if other women just said NO, there would be no adultery???
This post of mine is going to cause a lot of ruckus. I know there will be people who might delete me, and never read another post, and I respect that. To each his own. I’ve wrestled with how to...
Guess I'll need to follow my own advice, moving forward.
The computer thing freaks me out. I don’t trust them. It took me forever to do any of my banking online. The entire thing creeps me out. It feels like the epitome of “big brother” and I know that I’m...
I wonder what makes a Troll a Troll???
Normally I don’t give negative, miserable people any thought. I believe in energy attracting like energy; so if you’re doing your damnedest to live joyfully, and peacefully in a mad, mad world, you absolutely MUST CUT OUT ALL NEGATIVE things....
Do parents even enjoy their kids anymore???
There is, in my opinion a very disturbing trend taking place. It actually began when cell phones, and handheld game boys came into the world. But, lately, these past few years I’ve noticed it becoming worse and worse. Parents and...
There's no way the vegan yelling at the shoe salesman has any idea that her lip injections might have come from animals.
On Friday I was shopping in Neiman Marcus, a department store in LA. I’m on the hunt for the perfect strappy black shoe to wear with a black and gold Balmain dress that I’m wearing to my friend’s TIFF Gala...
To bunker, or not to bunker, that is the question???
Yannick flew into LA today, we spent a lovely afternoon eating, catching up and dealing with home renovations. Come 5:30pm it was time to hightail to our best friends place for Barbie’s famous tacos. Yannick and Rick looked at vintage...
What secrets do Helen, Meryl and Susan all have that we don't have???
There are some things I don’t mind having in excess. Love. Freedom. Kindness. Time. Money. Travel. Time. Did I already say that??? I guess it’s because it is important to me, and something that I feel I never have enough...
Was all the money I spent on puppy classes a complete waste???
It should be known that Duke is one of eleven. His mother gave birth to eleven puppies. That is an insane amount of pups for a large dog, never mind a mini english bulldog, I call her the Angelina Jolie...
Hey Zorro, sorry I called you a dick. But seriously why did you go to the airport with a plastic sword???
I want to be clear that I wasn’t upset about being inconvenienced by his stupidity for dressing up as Zorro and carrying a plastic sword into an airport, in 2016. Although I will hold firm on how the costume, and...
Why did I wait so many years to bring Mikaela into the world???
Today is our youngest daughter, Mikaela’s 20th birthday. You know how in life there are times when you’re so sure of what you’re doing, where you’re going and who are? Then there are those days/months, sometimes years where you just...
Did the dick at LAX last night dressed as Zorro, carrying a sword, really think it was a good idea???
It is 2016. The world has been living under the concern of random terror attacks since September 11th, 2001. Airports get shot up. Weddings get shot up. Shopping plazas get bombed. School kids get shot while in class. Women get...
Did I really survive my first trip to the jungle?? REALLY???
This gal isn’t ashamed to admit that I am a giant suck about bugs, any and all bugs. That I like to sleep INDOORS, on the rare, and I mean incredibly rare, I can count on TWO hands the number...
Could the end be in sight????
I have juice cleansed/detoxed before. Many, many, MANY times before. There were years where I would do a 3-5 cleanse/reset with the changing of the seasons, along with a liver cleanse. Looking back I was never healthier. Then 2010 came....
I’m not really sure what the co-relation is. I can’t be sure if when juicing at a retreat I have so much time on my hands that I get deeply soulful, or if it is because distraction from the outside...
What's with me and mosquitoes obsession with me???
I don’t know about you, and how mosquitoes feel about you. But they’re 1000% obsessed with me. 4:30 this morning, I’m laying in bed scratching myself raw. I tried everything, making little x’s in the centre of the bite, for...
E-bikes, get off the roads, or better yet, why don't we license them???
A few weeks ago some of you messaged me via twitter, and my “Contact Us” page, asking why don’t I go into politics. I told you it’s because I have a colorful past, which I happen to think I do,...
What the hell have I done???
Yes I was born in the city. Yes I’m a city girl through and through, I love the comforts of home. Running hot, and cold water. Air conditioning, and forced heat. Bugs on the outside, me on the inside. But...
The day that will forever be remembered as THE TRAGICALLY HIP DAY around the world.
There is no way in this lifetime that I will pretend to be something that I am not. I’m not a Tragically Hip fan. Not because they aren’t an awesome band, they clearly are. In the same way that Rush...
What the hell is this City girl doing going to the Jungle???
When I was younger I was a dancer. I tried with all my heart to be athletic. But I couldn’t jump very high, so volleyball was out. I didn’t run well, or fast, so soccer, and track events were out....
What's in the air in Cali, that makes people friendlier??
For years I’ve been saying that people in Cali are some of the friendliest people I have ever met. And for years I’ve been being told, that there’s no way that’s true. But, I’ve been here not even forty-eight hours,...