The WLYC Blog

Wisdom from Shantelle Bisson

The WLYC Blog

If you had all the money in the world, would you clone a beloved pet?
Guys, have any of you read, or heard about Barbara Streisand cloning her dog??? This is a REAL thing that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. She so loved her dog, Sammie, that she cloned her. FOUR TIMES. She had a lab make four...
Julianne Moore, Rihanna, and others were off the hook when I "broke bread" with them.
As I suspected most of you opted for D…the do nothing about the celebs you adore being “this close” to you. Some of you even added a couple other suggestions, such as send them a note, our girls did that...
How different would life have been if we hadn't had that first date thirty years ago???
For every year that passes I stop and ask myself; “how did we get here??” Marveling at another twelve months that have come and gone, and yet our love remains. Falling in love is an easy thing to do. Staying...
If people can't accept you the way you are, they're the problem. Not you.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people can feel alright on any level being cruel to people they don’t know. I have a hard time losing my cool, and letting my temper go along with my mouth, to...
Parenting isn't a solo act, make sure to get help when you need it.
One of my followers, a mom of four children, wow, that’s a lot of children, from eight years old down to a twenty month old has asked me to write a blog about how to be a better parent. Now,...
Isn't it disgusting that the kids of Stoneman Douglas HS are being bullied on the internet, by adults?
Everyday when I wake up, since last weeks mass shooting, I tell myself that today I’m going to keep my feelings, my thoughts, my anger about what happened to those kids in Florida to myself. That it’s sort of a...
What is Canada doing right that our mentally ill don't have access to guns?
Today was a regular day for me and my family. Our eldest enjoyed a day off and ran errands in Toronto, some for her, some for us. Our youngest spent another Monday, from 8am-10pm in college, learning. Our middle, who...
How is a parent meant to carry on when their child is ripped away from them???
I wanted to post on Tuesday…we had witnessed a pretty disturbing sight on Sunday night, but the more I thought about sitting down and writing about it the more my heart broke open. So I prayed, and meditated about it...
So you think snow tires are too expensive, what's your life worth?
Me, Yannick, the girls, we’re all winter tire drivers. In fact we store two of our cars until they get shipped to California because they don’t have the appropriate tires. We’re the people who stay home on days when the...
Want to stop sexual harassment? Don't sexually harass people.
First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you who took the time to not only extend your good wishes to us/Duke for his full recovery, along for a positive outcome with the results, but if...
Why is it you can be the "whole package" but still not find a decent partner???
I’ve blogged on this topic a few times, I would post about it more often except I’m not exactly sitting in the right spot to do so. Meaning, I’ve been with my man, in seventeen days, for thirty years, save...
I came "this close" to requesting that I be photo-shopped for an article.
I got so much feedback and interaction on my last few posts that I felt I needed to follow them up a little within today’s post. It seems to me that not only is there a trend of people crowding...
The NFL and their treatment of women is why Super Bowl Sunday is always a no from me.
Well it is upon us friends…today it is yet another Super Bowl. I never watch. I have many issues with the NFL, primarily how misogynistic it is, and how owners, coaches and everybody who stands downhill from the top making...
Do you find less people are holding doors open or waiting their turn?
Do you hold doors for other people, for example when others are getting on an elevator, coming in or out of a store/bank or restaurant? I do. Do you race people to a public door only to push through it...
Some Friday fun, a whack of things that have me going "Hmmm."
Today’s post is going to be a little lighter than what I posted yesterday, which for my own peace of mind I needed to put down on paper. This blog is my release, my “letting shit go” as it were....
Is it too soon to say that one less person like Mark Salling on earth is a good thing?
So Mark Salling, Puck from Glee took his own life on Tuesday. He was thirty five. He was awaiting sentencing for being found guilty of possessing child pornography. Those who knew him say he was struggling with “demons” and that...
Sometimes the toughest thing to do when you have a lot to say, is to say nothing at all.
I’ve realized something about myself as I get older. Actually not just one thing, but a few things recently: I don’t take kindly to disrespect, and people who don’t value others. I have no time for bullshit, small talk, or...
To protect your brain or to not protect your brain; is this even a question?
For years I’ve been wearing a helmet while skiing. We make sure our girls wear them. Yannick is constantly checking the technology out there so that we have the best protection for the main part of our body that they...
Anybody else chronically sick these days???
With travel, catching up on bills, paperwork, and other life responsibilities, along with battling yet another virus, I’ve been neglecting my blog. Which really bugs me because I’ve had so many awesome moments that have crossed my path that I...
There were a thousand ways Megyn Kelly could have handled this, how she did, wasn't one of them.
I have so many topics bouncing around inside my head that make me go “hmmm”, and that are screaming to be blogged about. So many in fact that I thought about doing a compilation post like the good ole days;...
Last time I checked this is my OPINION blog, not my SURVEY blog.
I’ve been thinking a lot about social media, and what we’ve all come to label “internet trolls” lately. Actually, the thought of dealing with trolls is what kept me off social media for years. I remember when Facebook first became...