02. How to Live A Non-Hurried Life Without Losing Your Cool


Hey friends!

We are back with another juicy, sassy, and incredibly insightful episode this week! Join Shantelle in a solo episode where she takes you behind the scenes and shares with you her life's journey so far. She'll be talking about who she is, how she has come to be the woman she is today, and more than anything, why you should ditch your new year's resolution and commit to living an intentional, aware, and non-hurried lifestyle with some easy-to-implement tips and guidance on how you too can do the same!

The new year has just started and 2022 feels different -- though we are busier than ever, and also navigating the pandemic, this year has a slow and nurturing feel to it. And for many of us, prior to 2020, we were living in a constant state of burnout, overworking ourselves, and people-pleasing every moment. The last two years have been years where we have flowed from constant hustle and survival mode to let's bake sourdough bread together mode -- Shantelle shares how she and her family have navigated this shift, and how they have now come to embrace a more relaxed, intentional, and slower pace while still pursuing their dreams individually and as a family. 

Disclaimer: This episode may contain material that might be triggering for some listeners. If you need to skip the first few minutes of it, it is completely understandable. If you need to take a moment and come back to listen to it, honor how you feel. Tune into your body and heart. If you need to speak to someone, please don't hesitate to reach out or connect with a trusted professional.

If this episode resonated with you, we'd love to hear from you, come say hi! Share your takeaways on social media and tag us @withoutlosingyourcool, @shantellebisson,  subscribe+rate+leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and send us a screenshot of your review to be entered to win some cool prizes!

If you have a burning question you'd like answered, go to shantellebisson.com/podcast  and leave us a message for your question to be featured on our upcoming episodes! 

Until next time friends! Do the hard things, and show up like you mean it! Without Losing Your Cool!