What will it take to get you living your life more fully, with no regrets???
Last night YB and I had the time of our lives! Neither of us have ever seen Toto live. And they were one of “our bands.” We listened to them non-stop during the early years of our relationship/marriage. Brianna and Dominique were raised with them playing in the background, and yet in all the years that have passed we hadn’t gotten around to seeing them perform in concert.
On Tuesday night when my mother announced that she had two extra tickets to see them Saturday night I jumped at the chance to take them, in case anybody else who was there had heard she had them. The catch, where they were playing meant we had to drive North of the city, a good hour and a half drive for us, without traffic. Anybody who knows Toronto in the summer, knows that driving North of the city (toward cottage country) on the weekends can take up to five or six hours, since there is always at least an accident or two to contend with.
Once I knew we’d have to make that drive I almost changed my mind.
The thing that kept me from doing it was a few summers ago when the Eagles reunited and did their North American tour, he was filming and we didn’t get tickets. We figured; “well now that they’re back together we’ll go see them next time they come around.” Guess what? That will never happen now because Glenn Frey has passed. RIP Glenn, but what dumbasses we feel like, we missed the boat. And since we’ve done that once with a group that was on our “bucket list” we’ll never do it again. Even though this was scheduled to be the first beautiful, no rain weekend that Toronto has seen. Which means, YB spends the weekend on his bike, and then outside in our garden relaxing, sunning, and just being in nature. He spends the bulk of seven months inside studios in his wool suit, so weekends are devoted to outdoor ONLY activities. I had a small fight on my hands, in convincing him. I had to pick the exact right moment…and once I found it I gave him no option, I simply alerted him to what I had done. He balked, not entirely confident that Toto, made up of session musicians, would be able to replicate their incredible sound live. And he would be INSIDE most of the weekend. For him the only highlight would be driving Reese.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Not only did they replicate PERFECTLY their own songs, but they also played little bits of songs they not only wrote for other artists, but that they had either written or played on for other artists. There were even a few surprises, in the way of a couple songs some of the guys were never given credit for. For example did any of you know that it was actually Steve Lukathar who played the famous guitar riff on Michael Jackson’s Beat It, in the studio. But live, Eddie Van Halen got all the accolades and credit. Oh the things we learned last night. Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm.
We had an absolute blast. Even as we’re caught in traffic in the final stretch to home, we’re both thankful that we’re on the same page in life these days on this one important aspect of it. Which is; we’re both committed to doing anything that scares, challenges, benefits, or ignites a passion within us. We’re grabbing life with both hands and living it fully.
No regrets.