What does it mean when a celebrity couple breaks up and releases a statement that doesn't tell us anything???

This is what is becoming what I hope will be a weekly “smutty Hollywood” type post. I hope you enjoy it.

Am I alone here in asking what the hot hell happened between Anna Faris and Chris Pratt??? It is rare that I look at a celebrity couple and feel like they have the goods to go the distance, but I really felt they had what it took to make it until they were old and wrinkled. I was stunned when I woke up to the news of their separation; shocked, and bothered. I have some seriously strong feelings about their separation. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know she was married when they worked together, and got together. You all know how I feel about infidelity: “You lose a person the way you got them” and “you can’t steal a person who doesn’t want to be taken.”

Meaning if Anna Faris had been happily married nothing Chris Pratt did on that set could have “lured” away from her husband. Also, if Chris was willing to have a relationship with Anna while she was married, well guess what? He’s obviously the sort of guy, regardless of how religious he is on the outside, who clearly doesn’t take the commitment of marriage all that serious. Here he is breaking up one marriage to have the woman, and then allowing the union he created with the same woman to fall apart? Don’t anybody come at me with that Angelina and Brad bullshit that “nothing happened while Anna was still married” I know that’s the story, but I’m a huge Debbie Doubter and I don’t buy those stories. I have a hard time swallowing the “nothing happened until she was divorced BS.” I have such a hard time buying that line from anybody who ends up with a person who was married when they met. I’m just not a fan, and I’m going to just come out and say it: I’ve passed judgement on him. I don’t know what their story is, I have no idea why they’ve ended their marriage, but I’m a skeptical bitch and I’m jumping to the conclusion that this is what happened in their marriage.

Chris Pratt was starting out in his career when he met her on the set of Take Me Home Tonight, Anna and Topher Grace were the big names of that film at the time of shooting. Chris takes up with Anna, she’s a comedy film star, Chris gets on Parks and Recreation and his career takes off. It’s like Anna was the catalyst to getting him on the map. She helped him get his Hollywood mojo, then he loses all sorts of weight, becomes a buff Hollywood hunk and the next thing you know: BAM!! He is a household name, mega film star with a star on the walk of fame, before her I might add.

Then minutes after all of that, his marriage just can’t work???

I’m calling bullshit. I’m calling bullshit and I’m going out on a limb to say that he cheated. I think he got too big for his breeches, and forgot where he came from and the woman who loves him. I believe he started to take himself too seriously and he fucked around. And I don’t think Anna Faris, at age 40, being a household name was down for that. The reason why I think it was him is based on the mutual statement that accompanied their announcement. There is one line missing from her statement in comparison to his, let’s see if you can find it. I’m posting them below so you can pick it out for yourselves.


Anna and I are sad to announce we are legally separating. We tried hard for a long time, and we’re really disappointed. Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward. We still have love for each other, and will always cherish our time together and continue to have the deepest respect for one another.


Anna and I are sad to announce we are legally separating. We tried hard for a long time, and we’re really disappointed. Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward. We still have love for each other, and will always cherish our time together.

Do you see it??

First thing that sets of alarms for me is them referring to the break up of their marriage as “this situation” but what really makes me think it was something he did is that she deleted “and continue to have the deepest respect for one another” from her statement. When a man done fucked up on a woman, she will not respect him. This is not irreconcilable differences, if it was the classic, “we’ve grown apart” they would have said that. But they aren’t. Apparently it is a “situation” that she will not continue to respect him over. The only people who know what broke their marriage to the point of filing are the two of them, and not that it’s any of our business as to why it happened, but my money is on that one day it will come out that it was an affair that he had. And I even have some thoughts on who it might have been with. Guess I’ll have to wait and see.