I’m not really sure what the co-relation is. I can’t be sure if when juicing at a retreat I have so much time on my hands that I get deeply soulful, or if it is because distraction from the outside world is at a distance, making it easier to dig deep into my heart. But last night, while reading a book, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION PLAIN AND SIMPLE, by Sonia Ricotti, one of the final chapters focused on Gratitude. I went wild with tears, and a heart overflowing for all that I’m thankful for. I believe it is incredibly important to focus on what one has, instead of what we don’t have, in this modern world, more than ever. Usually I meditate on three things that I’m grateful for before falling asleep, but last night I kicked it up a notch, and wrote an entire mantra, as per her suggestion at the end of the chapter. Which I want to share with you, in the hopes that it might encourage you to write out all that you do have in your own lives. Once you’ve written it read it aloud, slowly to yourself, and then remember to read it upon waking, and falling asleep every day.
Do this, and watch your mood shift to become one of more joy.
Dear Universe,
I am deeply thankful for my health. It is the greatest gift one can receive. I’m grateful to have been born a woman. I’m thankful that I live in a culture that allows me the freedom of speech, and dominion over my body. I’m thankful for my right to an opinion, for my ability to travel freely around this beautiful planet. I’m incredibly grateful for my safety. I am grateful for my love, the love I give away, and the love that I receive. I am thankful for the charity work I do. I am beyond grateful for the kind, generous, thoughtful, sensitive man I get to share my life with. I am thankful that he picks me every single day. I am even thankful for the challenges we’ve had in our relationship along the way, it has made us stronger, more unified, and more in love than ever. I’m grateful that we were gifted with three incredible, strong, brilliant, healthy, and beautiful girls to call daughters, and to build a joyful, loving, tight knit family with. I am grateful that my lover, gave us all a sense of adventure, even if it still doesn’t come close to his own, even still he managed to instill some into all of us. I am thankful for my husband’s work. Which has afforded us such freedom to travel, and to make a difference in the lives of others who need a platform for their needs to be heard from. I am grateful for all the stories inside my head, that I cannot wait to share with the world. I am thankful for my friends, who bring me such joy. I am thankful for my enemies who have given me my strength. But mostly I am grateful for this one life, and my voice, which I promise to always use to help where I see that there is need.
Thank you Universe for all my blessings
xo Shantelle