Damn Coachella distracted me from posting last week's Dear Elle articles!
The entire Coachella thing got me so riled up that I neglected to post the past week’s Dear Elle articles. So without further adieu, here they are. Remember, you can also go directly to www.milknheels.com to read them, and to also read my weekly Motivational Monday posts as well!! Or just go to the MilkNHeels link under my Instagram posts on the home page, and that will take you right to their site.
Enjoy xo SB
Dear Elle,
As much as I try to find balance, I can actually never balance the scale. With two small boys (5 & 7), a startup business, full time job, and a husband, how does one find time for it all???
Hi No Balance,
This is a common misconception that I think so many of us suffer from, the belief that somebody out there is doing “it” all beautifully and perfectly. Life, with or without all that you have going on, and you have a lot happening, is a constant juggling act. The quicker we make peace with this, and the knowing that sometimes a ball is going to be dropped, the easier it is to release that expectation of fitting it all in.
Something I’ve started to do that has made a huge difference, and I mean a GIGANTIC difference in my productivity is to not sit with any one task for longer than ninety minutes. I put a timer on for one hour and thirty minutes, when that goes off, I complete what I’m doing and move to the next task on my list of things to do. What this has helped me do is to understand that some things can, and will wait.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, so release yourself from “getting it all done” each and every day and watch balance come naturally into your life.
Ninety-minute timer. Trust me, do it. As a super A-type list making task checking off personality this has changed my life!
Dear Elle,
My husband and I have been together for a while now. We have one son together, he wants another baby and I do too but not just yet. I have a small business I’ve been growing full-time for 2 years and a full time job. I just don’t think it’s the right time as of yet. Am I being selfish for wanting to grow and build my business first rather than expanding my family?
From Business VS Baby
Hello Business Vs Baby,
As a fellow ambitious, creative woman I totally respect and appreciate your predicament. It’s never easy being a Girl Boss/Wife and Mother. It requires a tremendous amount of organization, and help. It sounds like your dance card is pretty full at the moment, so I don’t see how squeezing another baby in right now could work for you guys. Since we’re not girlfriends and I don’t know how your business, or marriage is doing it’s hard for me to answer this as well as I could if I knew your situation better. But, I will say this, your “happily ever after” all depends on these three things if he really wants this second baby:
1) how old you are and what is the probability that you’re going to be able to “just get pregnant” when you want to, if this is years down the road?
2) how far away, on paper, is your company away from being in a position that you could take the time off to have the second baby?
3) how important it is to your hubby to have a larger family, and is this something he thought he was getting when he said “I do?”
Take some time to sit and reflect on these three questions. Write down your responses, focusing especially on figuring out the financial viability of your company. Then once you have all your facts in front of you sit down with your hubby and come up with a “make baby number two” plan. This way he won’t feel like you’re not interested, and you won’t feel the pressure to give up one thing to have the other. If there is clear communication and an understanding about the timeline you can both stop beating a dead horse and just live your lives until it’s time to get down and get it done!