Are you paying attention to the royal wedding today? I wasn't going to, but then another school shooting happened.

I’m not sure where you stand on all the hub-bub of the royal wedding. I truly couldn’t have cared any less about the entire thing. Who cares that a divorced American actress was set to marry a prince who is 6th in line for the throne. Toronto/Canada is trying to claim her as their own because she shot a cable TV series here for a few years, America, all of a sudden is all about royal weddings. All the “entertainment” publications can’t get enough of it, or her…blah blah blah.

I wasn’t going to type a damn thing about it, and I definitely didn’t get up early to watch it, but then something strange happened to me. I’ve been on a bit of a social media cleanse, I’ve been posting in order to be mindful that social media is a part of my “job” but I’ve not been reading, or scrolling it. It was actually a very centered, grounded week. Since I was doing that, I had no idea that a group of fifth graders from New Jersey were in a horrific accident in a school bus earlier in the week…God bless their families with comfort and love during this difficult time. Of the thirty-eight kids and seven adults on board that day, it’s a miracle that two lives were lost. Not sure how that happened after looking at the photos, but it appears that God was on their side that day. A literal miracle.

Then this morning I saw that there has been another school shooting. Ten lives lost. The conversation from the government is all about access points, and metal detectors, not about gun control.

My heart aches for the senseless, tragic loss of life. No seventeen year old should know how to make pipe bombs or explosives in his bedroom. Parents of this type of child should not be living their lives not knowing that their child is building such things. Like how do you not know what your kid is spending their money on??? How do you not know what your kid is surfing on the web??? How, as an involved, loving, responsible parent do you not know that your kid is manufacturing bombs right under your nose???

This is why I’m not convinced that parents of children who commit crimes such as these shouldn’t, along with the government, not be held accountable for the senseless deaths. Why should all these other parents have to go through the rest of their lives without their children who were not behaving in this way???

Where is the justice? Where is the balance? My heart is broken.

And because of this my friends, this is why, even though I’ve never met either Meghan or Harry, I’d rather look at photos and videos about love today. Today I want my heart to be focused on love.

Bless you all today and always. Make sure you tell those you love just how special they are to you; today and every day.