No matter your faith, can we all agree to embody more of God's principles today, on Good Friday???
Happy Good Friday all.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing today I wish you a peaceful day overflowing with love, laughter, and if you’re somewhere in the world where today is still a holiday, I hope you’re getting some rest. If you’re a person who is incredibly spiritual, and you will spend it in worship today, blessings to you. Or you might be someone who may not believe in God. You might not believe in the bible, or Jesus, and I respect that. After all my years here, and five spent “on staff” for a “church” I’m not even sure where I stand on the entire matter. But wherever you are on the subject, can we all vow, that today, on this day, when the bible says he was crucified, that we will spend our day in reflection? If not for Jesus, “who died on the cross for our sins” then for the world, that is so desperately in need of unified intention toward love, and peace.
You don’t have to worship God to most likely agree with me on this one point: I think it’s safe to say that we can all do with a little bit more energy put out into society that focuses on the “principles” of God.
As in some of the Ten Commandments:
#5 Honour your father and your mother
#6 You shall not murder (I feel this way about war, which is usually linked to power, or #10)
#7 You shall not commit adultery (I’ve always felt, just leave somebody if you don’t love them enough to honour them)
#8 You shall not steal (This is a given, and sort of links back to #7, if you ask me…)
#10 You shall not covet (This is with regards to everything in life, and something that I struggle with, through comparing myself to the “successes” of those in the fields where I’m trying to make headway. Coveting only hurts the person who covets, trust me on this…)
So if today you will not spend one second thinking about the Son of God, can we all agree to spend some of our day focusing on being the GOOD we want to see in the world, and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”???
I know I’m going to do this today, and I hope you will too.