A whack of things that make me go "hmmm..."
On today, the last day of November, which I cannot even believe I’m typing…my musing is going to be brief, simply because there are not enough hours in the day, every day, never mind on a day when I’m adding filming to the mix. I’m literally supposed to be in my bath at this very moment, but since I know that there will be no time in the rest of this day to let you inside my head, I’m going to give you a list of things that make me go “hmmm” that I’ve compiled so far this week. Then I will be on my way to tape my second appearance on CBC’s The Goods.
Here goes:
- People who walk their dogs in the ravine, or pretty much anywhere, who are courteous enough to pick up their dog shit and put it into one of those little bags, but choose to leave it tied to a tree, or on the sidewalk? Hmmm…
- Drivers who pull away from the curb, without looking, indicating, or giving a single fuck. Hmmm…
- People who talk on head seats in public places…hmmm…
- Drivers with left indicators on, YAY YOU thanks for that. Then cut in front of you from the left lane to turn RIGHT?? Hmmm…
- Dogs who pee on patio furniture, and outdoor planters, instead of trees, of which they have plenty of in their own backyards. Yes I’m talking about you Duke. Hmmm…
- Customer service reps who are determined to not give you customer service when you call? Hmmm…
- Why do we bring giant pine trees inside our homes and then get all surprised when they begin to drop their needles at an alarming rate? Hmmm…
- Why do some people shuffle when they walk? Not older people, I’m talking about young able bodied people? Hmmm…
- Why do some people message me with serious comments about my “reporting” on political issues, and world matters correcting me on my “facts.” Ahhhh, HELLO. This is not a NEWS blog, this is an opinion blog. MY OPINION on how I see the world. Not how CNN, or BBC sees the world. But, ME. If you want news, or facts you best go somewhere else.
And that’s it, that’s all folks. Have a Happy Hump Day, I know I plan to!